Uttarakhand Sanitary Inspector 2023 | Sanitary Inspector Syllabus

Latest Job In Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has invited applications for the 65 vacant posts of Sanitary Inspector. which is a good news for the youth of Uttarakhand, before applying for these posts of Uttarakhand Job 2023 Get to know me well.

Candidates are urged to carefully examine the information and requirements listed below for the vacancy. Candidates must confirm their eligibility, including their age restriction, experience requirements, and educational background.

Sanitary Inspector

Organization NameUttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Post NameSanitary Inspector
Total Vacancy65
Opening Date08 August 2023
Closing Date28 August 2023
Age Limit
Min. Age- 21 Year
Max. Age- 42 Year
Application ModeOnline
Application FeesGen/OBC/EWS – ₹150
Other – ₹60
Education QualificationB.Sc Degree from any university established by law in India and atleast one year Diploma in Hygiene/Sanitation/Sanitary Inspector/Health Sanitary Inspector from any University or Institute recognised by the Center or any State Governement
Selection ProcessWritten Test (Online/ Offline)
Pay Scale₹5200 – ₹20200
Date Of ExaminationUpdated Soon
Answer KeyUpdated Soon
Result DeclarationUpdated Soon
Important Link

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Sanitary Inspector 2023 – Age Limit

Minimum age limit – 21 years
Maximum age limit – 42 years

UKPSC latest Jobs 2023 – Selection Process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Exam conducted by the UKPSC.

Salary of Sanitary Inspector

₹5200 – ₹20200

How to Apply Uttarakhand Government Jobs

Many people are interested in applying for these post. Therefore, we are outlining the Exact Steps for Online Application for these Posts below. By following these Easy Steps, applicants can submit applications for these Steps.

  • Visit the official website https://ukpsc.net.in/
  • Click on New Registered (if you are not Registered) or Fill username & Password (If you are already registered).
  • Submit All Required Details i.e. User Name, DOB & Mobile No. etc.
  • Check All the Details & Click on Submit Option.
  • Now Apply for Advt. Provided Application Portal.
  • Fill all required information in the form.
  • Upload scanned photograph & Signature.
  • Make the fee payment and click on submit button
  • Print the final application for future references.

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Sanitary Inspector Syllabus

PaperSubjectNature of
No. of
Paper – 1General HindiObjective
1001002 Hours
Paper – 2Basic Science
and Public
1501502 Hours
Total Marks250

Sanitary Inspector Syllabus Paper – 1

Sanitary Inspector Syllabus

Sanitary Inspector Syllabus Paper – 2

1. Food and Nutrition:
1. Different nutrients of food: proteins, fat, vitamins & minerals, sources,
functions, impact of deficiency/excess & daily requirement, Calories and
nutrients of important food items.
2. Diet: Diet Survey, Balanced diet- definition & importance, Factors to be
considered on planning meals, Nutrient requirement of different age groups.
3. Therapeutic Diet: weight reducing diet- low fat diet, bland diet, Pregnancy,
lactating mothers, cirrhosis of liver, Hypertension, Diabetes, renal stone.
4. Malnutrition: Basic concept of Malnutrition, Causes and prevention of Low
Birth Weight, special care of malnourished children, Different Diseases due
to nutrition deficiency.
5. Family Assessment-: Clinical examination of all members, height and weight
for all, head circumference and skin fold for children, blood test for Hb% for
all, diet survey, weighing raw food, weighing cooked food.
6. Refrigeration and Storage: Related Storage Equipment, Types, Operation and
Usage procedures, Cleaning Methods of storage Equipment like
7. Concepts of Food Hygiene and cleanliness of kitchen equipment and cooking
utensils and their effects on various health issues.
8. Collection and dispatch of food samples for analysis, preparation of papers
for legal proceeding.
9. Simple household tests to identify adulteration in milk, ghee, oil, sugar, tea

2. Environmental sanitation
1. WHO definition of environmental sanitation.
2. Night soil disposal: Sewage in liquid waste containing human excreta,
Numerous impacts of night soil on the environmental factors, Faecal
borne disease due to unsanitary disposal of night soil, Different types of
latrines in use, principles of construction of sanitary latrines and their
uses. i) Bore hole ii) Dug well iii) RCA iv) Septic tank latrines.
3. Solid waste disposal: Classification of solid waste in community,
Polluting effects of different types of solid waste, Source, generation,
storage, collection, transportation and disposal methods of solid waste.
4. Liquid waste disposal: Definition of liquid waste and its sources, Various
methods for liquid waste disposal, Pollution of water due to sewage,
Health hazards associated with liquid waste.
5. Sewage System or water carriage system: Sewers and its types, Methods
of laying sewers, Construction and maintenance of sewers, Sewer
appurtenances, Traps introductions, Types of traps, Definition of
plumbing, Plumbing tools and operations, various equipment of sewage
disposal, Sewage disposal, Definition and types of sewage system,
Sewage farming and land treatment, Sewage disposal by biogas plant, of
disinfecting sewage, Collection of sewage sample for chemical and
bacteriological analysis and interpretation or reports
6. Bio-Medical Waste Management: Techniques of segregation, packaging,
storage, transport and disposal of biomedical waste. Techniques of
Biomedical waste management, Treatment methods like Autoclave,
Hydroclave, Microwave, Chemical Disinfection, Solidification and
stabilization, Bioremediation, Accumulation and storage of hazardous
waste, Land disposal of hazardous waste.
7. Pest and Vector Control: Basic concept of vector borne diseases with
preventive measures, Principle of arthropod control, Use of insecticides,
pesticides, rodenticides and larvicidal and disinfectants, Various spraying
equipment, different parts of spraying equipment, Operation and
maintenance of spraying equipment, Application of techniques of
sterilisation and disinfection of various articles.

3. Water & Soil:
1. Safe and wholesome water, Sources of water, Various uses of water and
its needs.
2. Water supply and storage system at the community and domestic level.
3. Conservation sources of water.
4. Quality of water: Physical, chemical and biological standard for potable
water. Public health aspect of very hard water.
5. Steps of disinfection of well.
6. Purification of water: i) Large Scale ii) Small Scale Sources and nature of
pollution of water.
7. Plumbing system and its maintenance.
8. Water borne diseases
9. Soil sanitation: Introduction and importance of soil, Classification of soil,
soil pollution and its importance in public health, reclamation of social,
treatment of soil.

4. Air pollution and Global Warming:
1. Introduction of air pollution, Composition of air, Sources and nature of
air pollution
2. Concept of temperature, humidity, radiation, thermal comfort,
evaporation etc.
3. Effect of air pollution on health, Prevention and controlling methods for
air pollution.
4. Methods of air purification, Air disinfection.
5. Definition of ventilation, Concept and importance of adequate ventilation,
Types of ventilation.
6. Global warming and its impact, Components of climate change, Factors
effecting climate change.

5. Noise pollution:
1. Causes, types, sources.
2. Health Impacts of noise pollution.
3. Preventive measures for controlling noise pollution

6. Sanitation in fairs and festivals
1. Sanitation management at fairs and festivals.
2. Sanitary problems associated with human gatherings and temporary
settlements, Alternative emergency sanitary provisions to prevent
sanitation crisis for food, housing, water supply, lighting, disposal of
community waste.
3. Prevention of outbreak of epidemics.

7. Housing
1. General principles of healthy housing
2. Sanitary standards for construction of a healthy house
3. Home sanitation.
4. Specification for healthy housing.
5. Food hygiene at home

8. Personal hygiene
1. Basic Hygiene of skin, oral, dental, nails etc
2. Right method of hand wash
3. Menstrual Hygiene
4. Disposal of Menstrual waste

9. Burial and Cremation
1. Sanitary Disposal of dead, Types of disposal methods.
2. Methods of preservation of dead.
3. Basic requirements for burial and cremation grounds.
4. Health hazards associated with unsanitary disposal of dead bodies.
5. Maintenance of records.

10. Communicable Diseases
1. Basic concepts of Epidemiology, endemic, epidemic and pandemic with
2. Definition of communicable disease.
3. Modes of transmission of diseases and Symptoms of diseases
4. Basic concept of common communicable diseases like Swine Flu, T.B.,
AIDS, Diphtheria, Polio, measles, diarrhoea
5. General measures for prevention and control of communicable diseases.
6. Hand Hygiene, Use of personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves,
gowns, masks)
7. Safe injection practices, Safe handling of potentially contaminated
equipment or surfaces in the patient environment
8. Respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette
9. Immunity and immunisation: Importance, Types, purpose of
immunisation, National immunisation schedule. Some important adult
10.Importance of disinfection and sterilisation in hospitals.
11.Uses of various disinfection agents like Halogen, KMnO2solution, solid
and liquid agents. Effective disinfectants like formaldehyde, sulphur,
chlorine gases etc.
12.Use of UV radiation and ozone as disinfectants

11. Non-communicable Diseases
1. Basics of diseases like cancer, hypertension, cardiac disease, diabetes etc
and symptoms.
2. Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.
3. Risk Factors of Non-communicable Diseases

12. Demography and different rates in reference to healthcare
1. Infant Mortality Rate, Under 5 Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate,
2. Birth Rates, Death Rates,
3. Rates of different Diseases

13. Public Health Acts
1. Definition, introduction and importance of acts.
2. Indian Epidemic Disease Act.
3. Air and Water Pollution Control act FASSI Regulations
4. Prevention of Food adulteration Act.
5. Birth and Death Registration Act.
6. M.T.P. Act.
7. Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act (SITA).
8. Municipal and Local Body Acts related to Housing Sanitation Act
9. Factory Act and Employees State Insurance Acts.
10.Acts and Legislations: (a) Food Safety (b) Solid Waste Management
11.Registration, reporting and documentation process for implementation of
different acts.

14. Occupational health
1. Occupational diseases, Prevention of occupational diseases
2. Importance of safety and health at work place.
3. Role of employer, trade union and employees for health and safety
4. Provision of benefit to employees.
5. Measures for health protection workers.
6. Emergency situation management
7. Control of dust and other hazardous substances
8. Safety measures for occupational risk factors- legislative provisions.

15. Health Education and Health Promotion
1. Definition of health, Content of health education, Principles of health
2. Health education opportunities for health inspector in his work place.
3. Audio-visual aids and media,
4. Health education approach, Health education material
5. Planning health education activities, education in relation to
environmental sanitation, personal hygiene, and common health
6. Awareness on need of sanitation amenities.
7. Contribution of public health centres in health education.
8. Utilising community resources for health education

16. Behavioural Science
1. Impact of behaviour, habits and customs on health.
2. Factors influencing human behaviour, change of behavioural pattern in
different age groups.
3. Interpersonal relations

17. First- aid, Medical Emergency and Primary Health Care:
1. Aim of first-aid, Principles and practice of first-aid, Contents of a basic
first-aid box,
2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
3. Types of dressing and bandages, Types of wounds.
4. Handling multiple casualties in response to different types of injuries like
road accidents, factories accidents and disaster injuries.
5. Basic Introduction to Incident Control Systems in public health
6. Transportation of injured and unconscious cases and their management.
7. Management of bone injuries with splints, slings.
8. Diagnosis and treatment of minor ailments, cough, fever, bleeding,
toothache etc.
9. Poisoning case managements.

18. Public health Administration:
1. Organization of National Health Care Services.
2. System of National Health Care Services
3. Sub Centre: Primary Health Care, Community Health Care,
Specialization Health Intuitions.
4. International organizations and their cooperation in the field of Health.
(WHO, UNICEF, UNDP (United Nation Development Programme)
Voluntary Agencies in Health Programmes,
5. Operation Aspects of National Health Programs.
• Family Welfare Program
• Maternity & Child Health Service
• National Malaria Eradication program.
• National Filaria Control program
• National Leprosy program
• Diarrheal Disease Control program
• STD Control program
• Goitre Control program
• Blindness Control program
• Universal Immunization program
• National Health Mission

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