Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari | Uttarakhand RO ARO 2024 Eligibility, Syllabus, Apply Online

Latest Job In Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has invited applications for the 02 vacant posts of Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari. which is a good news for the youth of Uttarakhand, before applying for these posts of Uttarakhand Job 2024-25 Get to know me well.

Candidates are urged to carefully examine the information and requirements listed below for the vacancy. Candidates must confirm their eligibility, including their age restriction, experience requirements, and educational background.

Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari

Organization NameUttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Post NameUttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari
Total Vacancy02
Opening Date30 August 2024
Closing Date19 September 2024
Age Limit
Min. Age- 21 Year
Max. Age- 42 Year
Application ModeOnline
Application FeesGen/OBC/EWS – ₹172.30
Other – ₹82.30
Education QualificationGraduation
Selection ProcessWritten Test (Online/ Offline)
Pay Scale₹44900-₹142400
Date Of ExaminationUpdated Soon
Answer KeyUpdated Soon
Result DeclarationUpdated Soon
Important Link

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Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari 2024 – Age Limit

Min. Age- 21 Year,  Max. Age- 42 Year

UKPSC latest Jobs 2024 – Selection Process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Exam conducted by the UKPSC.

Salary of Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari


How to Apply Uttarakhand Government Jobs

Many people are interested in applying for these post. Therefore, we are outlining the Exact Steps for Online Application for these Posts below. By following these Easy Steps, applicants can submit applications for these Steps.

  • Visit the official website https://ukpsc.net.in/
  • Click on New Registered (if you are not Registered) or Fill username & Password (If you are already registered).
  • Submit All Required Details i.e. User Name, DOB & Mobile No. etc.
  • Check All the Details & Click on Submit Option.
  • Now Apply for Advt. Provided Application Portal.
  • Fill all required information in the form.
  • Upload scanned photograph & Signature.
  • Make the fee payment and click on submit button
  • Print the final application for future references.

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Uttarakhand Samiksha Adhikari Syllabus


S.NQuestion PaperExam. TypeNo. Of QuestionMax. MarksTime
1General StudiesObjective type1501502 Hour
S.NQuestion PaperExam. TypeNo. Of QuestionMax. MarksTime
1General StudiesObjective type2002003 Hour
2हिन्दी संरचनाSubjective Type051003 Hour
3निबन्धSubjective Type031003 Hour

Syllabus for Reviewing Officer, State Election
Commission, Uttarakhand

Subject::General Studies (Objective type)
Time Allowed : 02 hours

Number of Questions : 150                        MM : 150

1. General Science and Technology, basic knowledge of computer
Science:: Questions on General Science and technology, Discoveries,
Inventions, information and space technology, electronic media, cyber crime,
Environmental Science and basic knowledge of computer Science will cover
general appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of
every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well
educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific

2. History and culture of India including India’s struggle for freedom and
post independence Indian polity :: In History emphasis should be on
broad understanding of Political, economic, social, spiritual and cultural
aspects of Indian history. In the Indian National Movement, the candidates
are expected to have synoptic view of the nature and character of the
freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence.

3. Indian Polity and Indian Economy :: Questions on Indian polity and
economy will be based on Indian polity, Constitution, Panchayati raj and
Community development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.

4. Population, Environment and Urbanization in Indian Context :: The
candidates will be tested with respect to problems and relationship between
Population, Environment and Urbanization.

5. Geography of India and Uttarakhand, Neighboring states and relation
with neighboring Countries :: Geography of India and Uttarakhand
Questions will relate to physical, political, social and economic and
Questions will based on Important International Orgnisation and
agreements, Neighboring states and relation with neighboring Countries.

6. History and Culture of Uttrakhand (state formation/prior) :: Historical
background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period, Mediaeval period Important
dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and administration,
British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of Uttarakhand in the
Freedom Movement of India and related eminent personalities, historical
sites and monuments; movements for the formation of Uttarakhand, Castes
and tribes, religious and folk beliefs, literature and folk literature, traditions
and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and Festiveals, food habits,
art and Crafts, dances, songs, musical instruments, major tourist places,
important sports, tournaments and awards, famous Personalities of
Uttarakhand and their contribution, State steps taken by Uttarakhand for the
development of culture.

7. Uttarakhand State policy: tourism, environment, disaster management
and mitigation, Economy, Agricultural and Horticultural Context::
Elected governments in Uttarakhand and their policies, State tourist spot,
prospects and Challenges of tourism, Natural and man made calamities and
Disaster management and mitigation, Environment and Environmental
movement, environmental problems and solutions, Biodiversity and its
preservation, local agriculture and animal husbandry, condition of land
holdings and need for consoldation of holdings, forest resources and
horticulture, Major crops and crop rotation, Means of irrigation.

8. Current events of National and International importance :: On Current
Events of National and International Importance, Sports, candidates will be
expected to have knowledge about them.

9. General intelligence test :: In General, Mental Ability, questions will test
comprehension, reasoning and numerical ability.


General Studies :: First Question Paper
(Objective type)
Time Allowed : 03 hours

Number of Questions : 200              MM : 200

1. General Science and Technology :: Questions on General Science and
technology, Discoveries, Inventions, information, Bio technology, Solar
technology and space technology, Artificial Intelligence, Application of
new technology for health and medicines, Environmental Awareness,
Natural Bio resources, electronic media, cyber crime and understanding
of Science including matters of every day observation and experience, as
may be expected of a well educated person, who has not made a special
study of any scientific discipline.

2. Basic knowledge of computer and its application in the
:: Candidates are required to have Basic knowledge of
computer and Internet and Communication its application in the

3. History and Culture of India and Uttarakhand :: In History of India and
Uttarakhand emphasis should be on broad understanding of economic,
social, Cultural and political aspects of Indian history.

4. Indian National Movement, Relation with other Countries (Specially
neighboring Countries) after Independence:: In Indian National
movement, the candidates are expected to have a synoptic view of the
nature and character of the Indian freedom movement, growth of
Nationalism and knowledge of relation with other Countries (Specially
neighboring Countries) after Independence

5. Geography and Population of India and Uttarakhand:: Geography of
India and Uttarakhand Questions will relate to physical, political, social
and economic, population, Important National/International Orgnisation
and agreements.

6. Disaster management and mitigation (ecosystem, environment and
natural calamities) :: Candidates are required to have knowledge of
Natural and man made calamities and Disaster management and
mitigation, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Biodiversity and its
preservation, environmental problems and solutions

7. Indian Polity and Economy :: Questions on Indian polity and economy
will be based on Constitution, Panchayati raj and Community
development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.

8. Polity of Uttarakhand, Panchayati raj Act.:: Governor, Legislation, Chief
Minister, Council of Ministers, Public Services, Public Service Commission,
High Court and it’s Jurisdicition, Provision for minorities, Schedule
Caste/Tribes, Special State Selection Criteria, Official Language, Political
Parties and Election, Local Government and Panchayati Raj, Community
Development, Public Policy, Right Related Issues (Education, Employment,
Development etc.) Governance (Prevention of Corruption, Lok Ayukt, Citizen
charter, E-Governance, Right to Information, Samadhan Yojna, Right to
Service etc.) and other related aspects,

9. Economy of Uttarakhand:: local agriculture and animal husbandry,
condition of land holdings and need for consoldation of holdings, forest
resources and horticulture, Major crops and crop rotation, Means of

10. Current events of National and International importance:: On Current
Events of National and International Importance, Sports, candidates will
be expected to have knowledge about them.

हिन्दी संरचना:: द्वितीय प्रश्न-पत्र

समयावधि: 03 घण्टे
अधिकतम अंक: 100

हिन्दी संरचना: Hindi Composition इस प्रश्न-पत्र में कुल 5 प्रश्न और उनका अंक वितरण इस प्रकार होगा:-
(1) किसी दिये गये गद्यांश का (क) उचित शीर्षक (ख) सारांश (मूल गद्यांश का एक तिहाई) तथा गद्यांश के रेखांकित अंशों की व्याख्या।      4+106+ अंक
(2) किसी दिये हुए सरकारी पत्र का सारिणीरूप (Tabular Form) में सार लेखन।     15 अंक
(3) पत्राचार:-     15+15+15 अंक
(क) शासकीय/अर्द्धशासकीय पत्र
(ख) कार्यालय आदेश/कार्यालय ज्ञाप
(ग) विज्ञप्ति, परिपत्र एवं टिप्पणी
(4) पारिभाषिक शब्दावली रूपान्तरण: 12 शब्द दिये जाने है, जिसमें से कोई 10 करने हैं। 10 शब्द अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी   10 अंक
(5) रूपान्तरण: 12 दिये गये शब्दों में से कोई 10 करने हैं। 10 शब्द हिन्दी से अंग्रेजी 10 अंक

निबन्ध: तृतीय प्रश्न-पत्र

समयावधि: 03 घण्टे
अधिकतम अंक: 100

इस प्रश्नपत्र के अन्तर्गत क, ख और ग तीन खण्ड होंगे। प्रत्येक खण्ड से एक-एक शीर्षक का चयन करते हुये (दी गयी शब्द सीमा में) कुल तीन निबन्ध हिन्दी अथवा अंग्रेजी भाषा में लिखने होंगे:-
खण्ड (क) 1. साहित्य और संस्कृति 2. सामाजिक क्षेत्र 3. राजनीतिक क्षेत्र  (शब्द सीमा 600, अंक 35)

खण्ड (ख) 1. विज्ञान, पर्यावरण एवं प्रौद्योगिकी 2. आर्थिक क्षेत्र 3. कृषि एवं व्यापार  (शब्द सीमा 600, अंक 35)

खण्ड (ग) 1. राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय घटना क्रम 2. प्राकृतिक आपदायें: भू-स्खलन, चक्रवात भूकम्प, बाढ़, सूखा आदि 3. राष्ट्रीय विकास योजनायें    (शब्द सीमा 600, अंक 30)

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