Uttarakhand Cooperative Supervisor Environment Supervisor | Uttarakhand Government Jobs

Latest Job In Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has invited applications for the 55 vacant posts of Cooperative Supervisor and Environment Supervisor. which is a good news for the youth of Uttarakhand, before applying for these posts of Uttarakhand Job 2023 Get to know me well.

Candidates are urged to carefully examine the information and requirements listed below for the vacancy. Candidates must confirm their eligibility, including their age restriction, experience requirements, and educational background.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Supervisor Environment Supervisor

Organization NameUttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Post NameCo-operative Supervisor & Environment Supervisor (Group C) Exam- 2023
Total Vacancy55
Opening Date10 July 2023
Closing Date31 July 2023
Age Limit (Age on 1 July 2020)Min. Age- 18 Year
Max. Age- 42 Year
Application ModeOnline
Application FeesGen/OBC/EWS – Free
Other – free
Education QualificationIntermediate
Selection ProcessWritten Test (Online/ Offline)
Pay ScaleCooperative Supervisor – ₹19900 – ₹63200
Environmental Supervisor – ₹21700 – ₹69100
Date Of ExaminationUpdated Soon
Answer KeyUpdated Soon
Result DeclarationUpdated Soon
Important Link

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UKPSC Cooperative Supervisor & Environment Supervisor 2023 – Age Limit

Minimum age limit – 18 years
Maximum age limit – 42 years

UKPSC latest Jobs 2023 – Selection Process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Exam conducted by the UKPSC.

Salary of environmental supervisor in Uttarakhand

Cooperative Supervisor – ₹19900 – ₹63200
Environmental Supervisor – ₹21700 – ₹69100

How to Apply Uttarakhand Government Jobs

Many people are interested in applying for these post. Therefore, we are outlining the Exact Steps for Online Application for these Posts below. By following these Easy Steps, applicants can submit applications for these Steps.

  • Visit the official website https://ukpsc.net.in/
  • Click on New Registered (if you are not Registered) or Fill username & Password (If you are already registered).
  • Submit All Required Details i.e. User Name, DOB & Mobile No. etc.
  • Check All the Details & Click on Submit Option.
  • Now Apply for Advt. Provided Application Portal.
  • Fill all required information in the form.
  • Upload scanned photograph & Signature.
  • Make the fee payment and click on submit button
  • Print the final application for future references.

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Uttarakhand Cooperative Supervisor Environment Supervisor Syllabus

General Knowledge and General Studies

1. General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation: Questions on
General Science and Computer operation will cover general understating and
application of science and Computers including matters of day to day

2 History of India and Indian National Movement: Questions on history of India
and Indian National Movement will be based on general understanding of
ancient, mediaeval and modern India and India’s freedom movement.

3 Indian polity: Questions on Indian polity will be based on Indian polity,
Constitution and Panchayati raj.

4 Geography and Demography of India: Questions will be based on a general
understanding of geographical, ecological, socio-economic aspects and
demography of India.

5 Current Events: Questions will be based on important current events of
Uttarakhand State and National.

6 History of Uttarakhand: Historical background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period
(from earliest to 1200 AD) ; Mediaeval period (from 1200 to 1815 AD):
Important dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and administration,
British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of Uttarakhand in the
Freedom Movement of India.

7 Culture of Uttarakhand: Question will be based on Castes and tribes, religious
and folk beliefs, traditions and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and
Festivals, dances, songs, musical instruments, sports, tournaments and awards.

8 Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand: Geographical Setup. Rivers,
mountains, climate, soils, forest resources and horticulture and Major crops of
Uttarakhand. Means of irrigation. Natural and man-made calamities and Disaster
management. Water crises and watershed management, Environment and
environmental movements. Population of Uttarakhand: Distribution, density, sex
ratio, literacy and migration.

9 Economic and natural resoures : Education system of the State and important
educational institutes; tourism, minerals and industries. the position of utiliszation
of resources. Various schemes being implemented in Uttrarakhand for the
eradication of poverty and unemployment.

10 General intelligence test: In General Mental Ability, questions will includes
test comprehension, reasoning and numerical ability.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Supervisor Environment Supervisor Subject Wise Syllabus


Units of measurement; SI units fundamental and derived units, errors in
measurement, dimensions of physical quantities. Uniform and non-uniform motion
along a straight line, circular motion. Scalar and vector quantities, unit vector,
resolution of a vector in a plane-rectangular components, addition, subtraction and
multiplication of vectors. Newton’s laws of motion; law of conservation of linear
momentum and its applications. Moment of inetia, radius of gyration, statement of
parallel and perpendicular axes theorems. Work, energy and power; kinetic and
potential energy, work-energy theorem, law of conservation of energy. Kepler’s
laws of planetary motion, universal law of gravitation, escape velocity,
Geostationary Satellites. Elastic behavior of matter; Hooke’s law, elastic constants,
viscosity, Stokes law, Reynold’s number, Bernoulli’s theorem. Surface energy and
surface tension, angle of contact. Heat and heat transfers; specific heat, latent heat,
conduction, convection and radiation, Newton’s law of cooling. Zeroth law, first
law and second law of thermodynamics, heat engines and refrigerators.
Oscillations and waves; Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.), energy in SHM,
Kinetic and potential energies, forced and damped oscillations, Doppler effect.
Proper uses of Vernier Calipers and Screw gauge. Electricity; Conductors,
Semiconductors and insulators, electric charge, electric dipole, Coulomb’s law,
electric field, potential and potential difference, Gauss’s theorem, Capacitors and
Capacitance, combination of capacitors, resistors in series and parallel, Van de
Graaff generator, Kirchhoff’s law, Wheatstone bridge, Meter bridge,
Potentiometer. Magnetic effects of current; Idea of magnetic field, Bio-Savart law,
Ampere’s law and its application, cyclotron, moving coil galvanometer, Para, dia
and Ferro magnetic substances, electromagnets and permanent magnets. Faraday’s
law of Electromagnetic induction; induced emf and current, Lenz’s law, self and
mutual inductance, LCR Series circuit, resonance, wattless current, displacement

Current, transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum.
Optics and optical instruments; laws of reflection and refraction of light, mirror
and lens-maker’s formula, optical fibers, magnification, power of a lens, dispersion
of light through a prism, scattering of light, human eye and eye defects (myopia,
hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism), microscope, astronomical telescope,
resolving power. Huygens’s principle; interference, Young’s double slit experiment; diffraction due to a single slit, Dual nature of light; photoelectric
effect, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, de Broglie relation, Davisson-Germer
experiment. Composition and size of nucleus; atomic masses, isotopes, isobars,
isotones, radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma decay, binding energy, mass defect,
nuclear fusion, fission and nuclear reactor.

Electronic devices; semiconductor diode, rectifier, LED, photodiode, Zener diode,
solar cell, transistor and transistor as an amplifier, logic gates. Elementary idea of
communication system, Conversion of Galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter.
Frequency of ac mains with a sonometer.


Basic concept of chemistry, structure of atoms, classification of elements and
periodic trends in properties of elements, chemical bonding, hybridization, gas laws,
ideal gas equation, kinetic molecular theory of gases, thermodynamics, laws of
chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium, acids,
bases and salts, buffer solution, classification of solids based on different binding
forces, molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline
solids, adsorption, colloidal state, property of colloids, colligative properties,
electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, surface chemistry, block elements, coordination
compound, nomenclature, methods of preparation.
physical and chemical properties of haloalkanes, haloarenes, alcohols, phenols,
aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, nitrogen containing organic compounds,
biomolecules, polymers, chemicals in food and medicine, cleansing agents.


1. Kingdom classification of living organisms, Morphology, tissues,
anatomy, asexual and sexual reproduction in flowering plants.
2. Transpiration, uptake and transport of mineral nutrients, photosynthesis,
respiration and plant growth regulators.
3. Taxonomic category and hierarchy, symmetry in animals.
4. Cell shape and size, Type of biomolecules, Different phases of the cell
5. Human digestive system glands, Hormones of pituitary gland,
Spermatogenesis and oogenesis, Type of animal breeding.
6. Ecology: organisms, populations, ecosystem (structure and function),
biodiversity and its conservation, Origin and evolution of man.


• Venn diagrams, Relations and their types. Real valued functions (one-one,
on to), Inverse functions & composite functions.
• Quadratic polynomials and their roots.
• Complex numbers, Argand plane and polar representation of complex
• Straight lines, skew lines, planes, intersection of a line with plane.
circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola and their properties.
• Matrices, row/column operations, invertible matrices, Caley-Hamilton
• Determinants. Consistency/inconsistency and number of solutions of
system of linear equations.

• Mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/
grouped data. Analysis of frequency distribution with different aspect.
• Theorems on probability. Baye’s theorem. Binomial distribution.
• Limit, continuity and differentiability of a function. Rolle’s and Lagrange
mean value theorems. Increasing/decreasing functions. Maxima
and minima.
• Integration of functions. Definite integrals and its properties. Areas of
simple curves.
• Formulation, order and degree, general and particular solution of
differential equations. Solution of first order and first degree differential
• Mathematical formulation of linear programming problems (up to three

What is the salary of environmental supervisor in Uttarakhand?

Cooperative Supervisor – ₹19900 – ₹63200
Environmental Supervisor – ₹21700 – ₹69100

Paryavaran Paryavekshak Eligibility


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